Section I Tendering Announcement
1. Bid condition
1.1、本項目 菲律賓帕賽吹填開發項目 已由我司中標,建設資金為 業主付款 。本項目 菲律賓帕賽吹填開發項目供砂工程 具備招標條件,現進行公開招標,并采用電子化招標投標方式。
1.1 Our company has won the bid for the Pasay Reclamation Development Project in the Philippines, and the construction funds will be paid by the owner. This project, the subcontracting sand supply works for Pasay Reclamation Development Project in the Philippines, is qualified for bidding, and the bidding is now being invited, and the electronic bidding method is adopted.
2. Tendering Scope and Quantities of Works
2.1 The main works of the Project are to form three artificial islands A, B and C by sand extraction and hydraulic reclamation, with a total area of about 396 hectares. The main construction contents of this tendering are backfilling of Sandkey, backfilling of artificial islands, and taking at least three samples from each ship during construction.
2.2、本招標文件的取砂回填量為2000萬m³,共2個標段,標段1:1000 萬m³;標段2:1000 萬m³;每個取砂區的最終取砂量由招標方根據項目現場確定。投標方可按標段根據不同的取砂點進行報價,招標方根據每個標段的報價進行評標決定中標方.
2.2 The amount of sand dredged and backfilled in this bidding document is 20 million cubic meters. Bid 1 and Bid 2 is 10million m³ each; Bidders can make quotations according to different sand taking points. The final sand taking amount of each sand taking area is determined by the tenderee according to the project site. The tenderee will determine the bidder according to the quotation;
標段 |
工程量(萬m³) |
月產能 |
采砂點 |
標段1 |
1000 |
85萬m³ |
采砂點一:SUKIT,ZAMBALES 160公里;采砂點二:BUCAO, ZAMBALES 180公里;采砂點三:Mindoro ORIENTAL 210公里; |
標段2 |
1000 |
85萬m³ |
3. Qualification Requirements for Tenderers
3.1 The Tenderer must be a construction organization approved by the competent government department and holding the corresponding qualification certificate.
3.2、 投標人應具有承擔類似工程的經驗和足夠設備、技術力量及能力。
3.2 The Tenderer shall have experience in undertaking similar projects and sufficient equipment, technical force and ability.
3.3、 投標人未受到交通運輸、住建、水利等主管部門取消在廣州市或工程建設所在地投標的且仍處于有效期的處罰。
3.3 The Tenderer has not been punished by the competent departments of transportation, housing construction, water conservancy, etc. for canceling the bid in Guangzhou or the location of the project construction and it is still in the validity period.
3.4 The Tenderer has not been in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement by the Supreme People's Court on the "Credit China" website (https://www.creditchina.gov.cn/) or credit information sharing platforms at all levels. The Tenderer or his/her legal representative and the project manager to be appointed have no bribery crime in recent three year.
3.5 The Tenderer’s enterprise is in good financial condition and is not in the state of being taken over, bankrupt or closed, suspended, merged or transferred.
3.6、 每個投標人只能提交一份投標文件。
3.6 Each Tenderer can submit one tender proposal only.
3.7 The Tenderer shall have the ability to undertake the construction of the Project, and shall not subcontract or re-subcontract the works. If the tender proposal is submitted in the name of a consortium, a consortium agreement shall be attached.
4. Obtaining tendering Document
4.1、 公告時間:2023年 4 月29日21時至2023年5月5日9時。
手機:13717815020 (歡迎撥打手機/微信同號)