一、采購項目內###市浦東新區人民政府作為主辦單位###市浦東新區高橋鎮人民政府、上海外高橋集****公司作為承辦單位現舉辦“上海之門”浦東片區三岔港楔形綠地景觀規劃設計國際方案征集活動。本次方案征集活動將公開邀請具有相關規劃設計經驗的設計機構前來申請應征,提交資格預審申請文件(以下簡稱“申請文件”)。通過資格預審選取3個應征人參加征集活動,并提交應征設計成果。The People's Government of Pudong New Area, Shanghai as the Sponsor, along with The People's Government of Gaoqiao Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai and Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Group Co., Ltd. as the Organizers, are currently holding the International Solicitation for Landscape Planning and Design Proposals for the Sanchagang Wedge-shaped Green Space, “Gateway of Shanghai," in Pudong Area. Design entities with related planning and design experience are publicly invited to participate and submit the Application Documents for Prequalification (hereinafter referred to as “Application Documents”). The Sponsor will select three final applicants as Participants for solicitation of proposals and for them to further submit their design proposals for ********項目概況******** ******** 項目名稱:“上海之門”浦東片區三岔港楔形綠地景觀規劃設計國際方案征集。******** Project name: International Solicitation for Landscape Planning and Design Proposals for the Sanchagang Wedge-shaped Green Space, “Gateway of Shanghai," in Pudong ******** 項目位置###市浦東新區高橋鎮內西北側,地處長江、黃浦江、蕰藻浜三水交匯之處。******** Project location: Situated in the northwest of Gaoqiao Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, at the convergence of the Yangtze River, Huangpu River, and ******** 規劃設計任務與范圍:******** Design Specifications and scope:(1)區域整體空間研究層次——南北整合、濱江聯動(1)Regional spatial research level: Integration of north and south regions, coupled with linkage to the riverside areas區域整體研究層次范圍東北臨長江,西至黃浦江,###路,含三岔港楔形綠地、濱江森林公園和凌橋社區,總面積12平方公里,重點開展沿江風貌、生態空間、綜合交通等專項研究。The overall research scope of the region is bordered by the Yangtze River in the northeast, Huangpu River in the west, and Shuangjiang Road in the south, including the Sanchagang Wedge-shaped Green Space, Riverside Forest Park, and Lingqiao Community, covering a total area of 12 square kilometers. It primarily focuses on specialized research on riverside landscapes, ecological spaces, and comprehensive transportation.(2)楔形綠地景觀設計層次——綠色前廳、產城融合(2)Wedge-shaped Green Space landscape design: Gateway to greenery and urban-industrial fusion楔形綠地景觀設計層次范圍為###市總體規劃劃定的楔形綠地范圍,位于外環高速以###路以西,總面積********平方公里,開展整體景觀結構方案設計。The Wedge-shaped Green Space landscape design encompasses the designated area outlined in Shanghai's urban master plan. Situated south of the Outer Ring Expressway and west of Shuangjiang Road, spanning ******** square kilometers, it entails a holistic landscape structure plan for the entire zone.(3)重點地區詳細設計層次——文藝匯場、江海門戶(3)Detailed design level for key areas: Cultural and artistic convergence, river and sea portal重點地區詳細設計層次范圍,主要針對翡翠山、藝海匯、濱江等區域進行綠地景觀詳細方案設計,對藝海匯、首開區等節點進行建筑風貌詳細方案設計,總面積約為********平方公里。At the detailed design level for key areas, the focus is on crafting green space landscape designs for locales such as Jade Mountain, Artistic Sea Convergence, and Riverside. Additionally, it entails elaborate architectural design blueprints for nodes like Artistic Sea Convergence and the First Development Zone, totaling approximately ******** square kilometers in ******** 征集方式:公開征集。******** Method of solicitation: Open ******** 征集設計周期:約80天。******** Period of solicitation and design: Around 80 ********主辦單位、承辦單位及征集組織機構********, Organizers, and Organizer of Solicitation主辦單位###市浦東新區人民政府Sponsor: The People's Government of Pudong New Area, Shanghai承辦單位###市浦東新區高橋鎮人民政府、上海外高橋集****公司Organizers: The People's Government of Gaoqiao Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai and Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Group Co., Ltd.征集組織機構:北京科技園拍****公司Organizer of Solicitation: Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., ********征集聯系********北京科技園拍****公司Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.地址###市海淀區萬泉莊萬柳光大西園6號樓Address: Building No. 6, Guangdaxiyuan, Wanliu, Wanquanzhuang, Haidian District, Beijing郵政編碼:********Post Code: ********聯系人:朱小鋒、徐興華、郝晴Contacts: Zhu Xiaofeng, Xu Xinghua, and Hao Qing聯系電話:********—256/812Tel.: ********—256/812傳真:********Fax: ********E-mail:kj********應征申請人的資格4. Eligibility and Qualifications of ********應征申請人(以下簡稱“申請人”)應為合法注冊的法人實體或由合法注冊的法人實體組成的項目聯合體,且應具有與本項目的功能性質相類似的設計經驗。******** The Applicant shall be a legal entity that has been legally incorporated in accordance with laws or a project consortium composed of legal entities that have been legally incorporated in accordance with laws, and shall have design experience in a project with the similar functional nature of this ********應征申請人應具有承擔本征集項目風景園林設計和建筑設計的相應資質或資格。******** Applicants shall have the corresponding eligibility or qualifications to undertake the landscape design and architectural design of this solicitation.(1)中華人民共和國境內的設計機構應具有政府有關行政主管部門核發的:風景園林工程設計專項甲級資質或建筑行業(建筑工程)設計甲級及以上資質;(1)Design entities within the People's Republic of China should have the following qualification issued by the relevant government administrative department: a qualification certificate of Grade A for landscape engineering design or a qualification certificate of Grade A for architectural design (architectural engineering) or above;(2)中華人民共和國境外的設計機構應依其所屬國或所屬地區的管理規定具有風景園林設計或建筑設計的執業許可或經營許可。(2)Design entities outside the People's Republic of China should have a practice license or business license for landscape design or architectural design in accordance with the national or local administrative ******** 香港、澳門特別行政區和臺灣地區的規劃設計機構的資格要求參照境外設計機構資格要求的規定。******** The qualifications for planning and design entities from Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions as well as Taiwan shall refer to the requirements of qualifications for design entities outside the People’s Republic of ******** 本項目接受聯合體應征。******** This Project accepts applications from ******** 聯合體的各成員應共同簽署一份聯合體協議。******** Partners of a Consortium shall jointly sign a consortium ******** 組成項目聯合體的各成員單位不得再以自己的名義單獨申請資格預審,也不得同時加入本項目其它聯合體申請資格預審。******** Any partner of the Consortium shall neither individually apply for the prequalification in its own capacity, nor concurrently apply for the prequalification as a partner of another ******** 除聯合體內部的成員外,參加征集的應征人之間不應存在關聯關系。******** Except for partners of a Consortium, the Participants in the solicitation shall not constitute or bear any ********資格預審文件的獲取5. Obtaining Prequalification Documents本項目的資格預審文件在北京科技園拍****公司網站下載。The Prequalification Documents for this Project can be downloaded from the website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.有意向參加應征的申請人需先在北京科技園拍****公司網站(********)下載資格預審文件領取登記表,填寫完成后以Word版本E-mail至征集指定郵箱kj********或遞交至征集組織機構,征集組織機構收到登記表后,再將資格預審文件的下載密碼發送給申請人。Applicants who intend to participate in the solicitation for design proposals must first download the registration form from the website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. (********). After completing the registration form, Applicants should email the Word version to kj******** or submit it to the Organizer of Solicitation. After receiving the registration form, the Organizer of Solicitation will send the download password of the Prequalification Documents to the Applicants.獲取資格預審文件的時間為2024年5月21日至2024年5月27日17:00(中國北京時間,下同)。北京科技園拍****公司網站將于2024年5月21日開通。The date for obtaining Prequalification Documents is from May 21, 2024 to 17:00 on May 27, 2024 (Beijing Time, the same below). The website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. will be accessible on May 21, ********申請文件的遞交******** of Application Documents申請文件遞交的截止時間為2024年6月4日中午12 時00分,申請人應在遞交截止時間之前將申請文件遞交至征集組織機構。主辦單位/承辦單位和征集組織機構將拒絕接收逾期送達的申請文件。The deadline for submission of Application Documents is 12:00 noon on June 4, 2024. Applicants shall submit such documents to the Organizer of Solicitation before the deadline. The Sponsor/Organizers and the Organizer of Solicitation will reject any application documents that arrive after the specified ********資格預審公告發布媒體7. Media Releasing Announcement on Prequalification本公告在中國招標投標公共服務平臺(********)、中****網(********)、北京科技園拍****公司網站(********)同時發布。本公告的修改、補****網站發布的內容為準。This announcement will be published on the China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (********), China Government Procurement Network (********), and the website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. (********) at the same time. The amendment and supplement of the announcement shall be subject to the contents released via the websites ********其它條款********知識產權******** Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)********本次方案征集中接收的所有有效的應征文件(包括A3版面設計文冊、A0標準輕質展板、電子文件、模型和應征設計方案著作權聲明等)均不退回。******** All valid response proposals (including the A3 sized design book, A0 standard lightweight exhibition panel, electronic documents, models, and the Copyright Statement of Design Proposals) received in this solicitation will not be ********應征設計文件和設計成果的知識產權由主辦單位/承辦單位與應征人共同享有。******** The IPRs of the Design Proposals and design results shall be commonly owned by the Sponsor/Organizers and the ********應征人對其應征設計文件享有署名權,在征得主辦單位/承辦單位書面同意后可通過傳播媒介、專業雜志、書刊或其他形式評價、展示其應征設計文件的相關內容。除應征人的設計標準、設計導則和繪圖元素以外,應征人不得將應征設計文件及設計成果用于其他的設計項目。******** Participants hold the right of authorship for their Design Proposals and can comment on and display such Design Proposals in the forms of media communications, trade magazines, publications among others after granted with the Sponsor’s/Organizers’ consent in writing. The Participants shall not use the Design Proposals and design results on other design projects, except the Participants’ design standards, design guidelines, and drawing ********應征人應保證提交的應征設計文件及設計成果在中華人民共和國境內或境外沒有且不會侵犯任何其他人的知識產權(包括但不限于著作權、專利權)或專有技術或商業秘密。應征人應保證,如果其應征設計文件使用或包含任何其他人的知識產權或專有技術或商業秘密,應征人應已經獲得權利人的合法、有效、充分的授權。應征人因侵犯他人知識產權或專有技術或商業秘密所引起的全部賠償責任應由應征人承擔。******** Participants shall ensure that all the submitted Design Proposals and design results have not infringed upon and will not infringe upon IPRs (including but not limited to copyright and patent right) or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others within or outside the People’s Republic of China. The Participants shall guarantee that if their Design Proposals use or include IPRs or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others, the Participants shall have already obtained legitimate, valid and sufficient authorization from the right holders. The Participants shall take all liabilities for any compensations arising from infringement upon IPRs or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of ********主辦單位/承辦單位有權在本項目的規劃設計中使用應征人提交的規劃設計成果,主辦單位/承辦單位在項目的規劃設計中或在規劃設計方案調整綜合時可以全部或部分使用應征規劃設計成果的內容,也可以對其進行修改。主辦單位/承辦單位不得將應征設計文件及設計成果用于本項目以外的其他項目。******** The Sponsor/Organizers have the right to use the planning and design results submitted by the Participants in the planning and design of this Project. The Sponsor/Organizers are allowed to use the Design Proposals in whole or in part in the planning and design of this Project or the adjustment and integration of the planning and design proposals, and have the right to modify them. The Sponsor/Organizers shall not use the Design Proposals and design results for a purpose other than this ********主辦單位/承辦單位可以對所有應征設計文件及設計成果印刷、出版和展覽,并可通過傳播媒介、專業雜志、書刊或其他形式評價、展示、宣傳應征設計文件及設計成果,但應注明設計機構的名稱。******** The Sponsor/Organizers can print, publish and exhibit all the Design Proposals and design results, or comment on, display and publicize the Design Proposals and design results via media communications, trade magazines, publications or by other means. The precondition is indication of the names of design entities for such ********應征建筑設計方案(如果有)的著作權歸屬于應征人,但景觀小品及其建構筑物除外。******** The copyright of architectural design proposals (if any) shall belong to the Participants, except for landscape embellishments and their ********應征設計補償金******** Compensations for Designs Proposals承辦單位將向按征集文件的要求在規定的時間內提交了有效應征文件的應征人支付應征設計補償金,金額為人民幣140萬元(含稅)。當應征人出現下列情況時,承辦單位將不予支付補償金:The Organizers will pay compensations for design proposals in the amount of RMB ******** million (including tax) for any Participant that has submitted valid response documents within specified time frame as required per Solicitation Documents. The Organizers will not pay any compensation when Participants are under any of the following circumstances:(1)應征人未按規定時間提交應征文件;(1)Participants fail to submit their response proposals within the specified time;(2)應征人提交的應征文件經專家委員會評審被認定為未對征集文件要求作出實質性響應;(2)The response proposals submitted by Participants are judged, upon the expert review, as not substantially responding to the requirements of the Solicitation Documents;(3)應征人被取消應征資格。(3)Participants are ********獎項和獎金的設置******** Awards and prize settings本次方案征集將評選出1個優勝設計方案,獎金為人民幣60萬元(含稅),獲獎的應征人需結合評審專家意見和主辦單位/承辦單位的要求對其應征設計方案進行一輪方案優化,并提交相應設計成果(不含模型動畫)。This solicitation will select one winning design proposal, with a prize of RMB 600,000 (tax included). The winning Participant will be required to refine their design proposal based on the opinions of the review experts and the requirements of the Sponsor/Organizers, and submit the corresponding design results (excluding model animations).********適用法律******** Governing Laws本次征集活動本身及與本次活動相關的文件所適用的法律和法規僅為中華人民共和國的法律和法規。The solicitation per se and any documents relating thereto shall be governed only by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of ********語言******** Languages資格預審文件以及與資格預審文件相關的補充文件和澄清文件均使用中文和英文書寫。申請文件應使用中文書寫,申請人隨申請文件提供的證明文件和印刷品可以使用另一種語言,但應附中文譯本。在中文與其他語言的意思表達不一致時,以中文為準。The language used in the Prequalification Documents and any supplement and clarification documents thereto shall be Chinese and English. Application Documents for Prequalification shall be drafted in Chinese. Another language can be used for the proof documents and printed materials that Applicants provide along with the Application Documents, but the version with Chinese translation shall be attached thereto. In the case of inconsistent expressions in both Chinese and another language, the Chinese version shall ********解釋權******** Power of Interpretation本次征集活動的最終解釋權歸主辦單位/承辦單位。The Sponsor/Organizers reserve the power of final interpretation in view of the solicitation. 二、開標時間:
手機:13717815020 (歡迎撥打手機/微信同號)