一、招標條件Tendering Conditions招標人為****局伊拉克納西里耶儲油庫項目部,項目資金來源已落實。本招標項目已按要求履行了相關報批及備案等手續,具備招標條件,現進行公開招標。The project has implemented relevant procedures according to rules, regulations, and laws .as well as the capital has been confirmed. Now we hereby invite your esteemed company to participate in this bid. The tenderee is China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company Ltd?(EPC) for New Nassiriya Depot Project, IraqDepartment.二、項目概況與招標范圍?Project Overview and Tendering ********項目概況:伊拉****公司(State Company for Oil Project)計劃在納西里耶投資新建一個400萬桶原油的罐區,用于接收Ahdeb、Badra、Gharaf、Nassiriya和Abu Amood油田的原油,項目一期計劃建設252萬桶庫容量(7個********m3浮頂儲罐),項目二期計劃建設126萬桶庫容量(3個********m3浮頂儲罐)。CPP作為該項目一期階段的EPC總承包商,負責7個********m3原油儲罐、2個******** m3的原油泄壓儲罐,2個******** m3水儲罐建設,以及儲罐區配套的泵站、計量、取水、發電、通信、工藝管線、消防等系統設計、采辦、施工、試運工作。Iraq's State Company for Oil Project plans to invest in a new 4 million barrel tank farm in Nasiriyah to receive crude from the Ahdeb, Badra, Gharaf, Nassiriya and Abu Amood fields. The first phase of the project plans to build ******** million barrels of storage capacity (7 66,000m 3 floating roof storage tanks), and the second phase of the project plans to build ******** million barrels of storage capacity (3 66,000 m3 floating roof storage tanks). As the EPC general contractor of the first phase of the project, CPP is responsible for the construction of 7 66,000m 3 crude oil storage tanks, 2 23,000 m3 crude oil pressure relief tanks, 2 10,000 m3 water storage tanks, as well as the design, acquisition, construction and trial operation of pumping stations, metering, water intake, power generation, communication, process pipelines, fire fighting and other systems supporting the storage tank ******** 招標范圍:本次招標采購物資詳見下表 Scope of Supply: For the materials to be procured by the present Tendering, please refer to the table ********/NMaterial Description/SpecificationMain Technical ParametersUnitQuantityRemarkA鋼結構支撐材料Steel structural support material詳見附件技術文件 Please refer to the attached technical documents?********?交貨期 Delivery time:最短交貨期,但最晚交貨時間不得晚于買方下達訂單后60個日歷日。The Tender should provide its shortest delivery time,and the latest delivery time that tendering requires shall be no later than 60 calendar days after the Buyer issue PO.
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