一、招標條件Tendering Conditions
The project has implemented relevant procedures according to rules, regulations, and laws .as well as the capital has been confirmed. Now we hereby invite your esteemed company to participate in this bid. The tenderee is China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company Ltd East African Crude Oil Pipeline EPC Project Department.
二、項目概況與招標范圍 Project Overview and Tendering Scope
********項目概況:伊拉****公司(State Company for Oil Project)計劃在納西里耶投資新建一個400萬桶原油的罐區,用于接收Ahdeb、Badra、Gharaf、Nassiriya和Abu Amood油田的原油,項目一期計劃建設252萬桶庫容量(7個********m³浮頂儲罐),項目二期計劃建設126萬桶庫容量(3個********m³浮頂儲罐)。CPP作為該項目一期階段的EPC總承包商,負責7個********m³原油儲罐、2個******** m³的原油泄壓儲罐,2個******** m³水儲罐建設,以及儲罐區配套的泵站、計量、取水、發電、通信、工藝管線、消防等系統設計、采辦、施工、試運工作。項目于2015年2月開工,預計機械竣工日期為2025年5月。
Nassiriya New Crude Oil Depot with a working capacity of about four million barrels (637,000 M³) is the proposed depot to accommodate the produced crude from the following fields: Ahdeb Field, Badra Field, Gharaf field, Nassiriya field and Abu Amood field. Total capacity shall be about four million barrels (637,000 M³), for Phase (I) it shall be ******** million barrels (401,000 M³), and for Phase (II), it shall be ******** million barrels (200,500 M³).CPP win to build all tanks for phase (I), including 7 Floating roof tanks(********m³), and their accessories. Two relief tanks(******** m³), capacity of each tank is ******** m3 , one for heavy & the other for light crude oil .Two fire water steel tank of 10,000 m³Capacity from continuous water supply. The project starts from Feb, 2015 and Mechanical Completion date expects to be on May, 2025.
******** 招標范圍:本次招標采購物資詳見下表 Scope of Supply:
For the materials to be procured by the present Tendering, please refer to the table below.
Description of Goods
Main technical parameters
High Master Flood Lighting pole(12 heads)
25m lighting pole, including cable, Power and control Panel,Isolation Switch,Junction Box, Accessories
95 set
refer to DS ******** I,III,IV,V,VI,VII.(Excluding II. Lighting Fixture)
High Master Flood Lighting pole(6 heads)
25m lighting pole, including cable, Power and control Panel,Isolation Switch,Junction Box, Accessories
8 set
refer to DS ******** I,III,IV,V,VI,VII.(Excluding II. Lighting Fixture)
Road Lighting pole
8m lighting pole, including cable, Power Distribution Box, Accessories
235 set
refer to DS ******** I,III,IV,VI.(Excluding II. Lighting Fixture)
Fence Lighting pole(2 heads)
12m lighting pole, including cable, Power Distribution Box,Pulling Box, Accessories
174 set
refer to DS ********
I,III,IV,V,VI(Excluding Lighting Fixture)
Explosion-proof lighting on oil tank pole
******** lighting pole, including cable, Explosion-proof Junction Box, Accessories
42 set
refer to DS ********
I,III,IV,V(Excluding Lighting Fixture)
554 SET
Detailed technical requirements refer to Attachment 1 -Technical Documents.
******** 交貨地點 Delivery place
CFR Umm Qasr port in USD
******** 交貨期 Delivery time
Deliver all goods in one time. The supplier shall provide the shortest delivery time .However the delivery time shall not exceed 6 months for CFR term after ********
手機:13717815020 (歡迎撥打手機/微信同號)