一、項目基本情況 1. Basic Information 項目編號:************************ Project No.:?************************ 項目名稱:臨港新###市公共藝術高質量發展行動方案 Project Name:?Action Plan for High Quality Development of Urban Public Art in Lingang New Area 預算編號:0024-W******** Budget No.:?0024-W******** 采購方式:競爭性磋商 Procurement method : competitive consultation 預算金額(元):********元(國庫資金:0元;自籌資金:********元) Budget Amount(Yuan):?********(National Treasury Funds: 0 Yuan; Self-raised Funds: ******** Yuan) 最高限價(元):包1-********.00元 Maximum Price(Yuan):?Package ******** for ********.00 Yuan, 采購需求: Procurement Requirements:? 包名稱:臨港新###市公共藝術高質量發展行動方案 Package Name:?Action Plan for High Quality Development of Urban Public Art in Lingang New Area 數量:1 Quantity:?1 預算金額(元):********.00 Budget Amount(Yuan):?********.00 簡要規則描述:根據金山書記《關于###市雕塑工作開展情況的報告》的批示精神,臨港新片區管委會《關于進一步推進###市雕塑工作的專報》及《關于研究環湖雕塑及廣場化改造工作會議的工作提示》等相關精神,落實對滴水湖核心區及重點開發區域###市****局的統籌工作及精細化管理,提升臨港新片區的藝術氣質,特開展臨港新###市公共藝術高質量發展行動方案工作,為臨港新###市公共****局、公共藝術項目布點、創作題材選取與策劃、行動實施方案與管理機制等方面予以謀劃。推進臨港新片區高質量發展,創造高品質生活和實現高效能治理。詳見“第四章 項目需求”。 Brief Specification Description:?265/********實時翻譯劃譯According to the instructions of Secretary Jinshan's report on the progress of sculpture work in Lingang City, the Lingang New Area Management Committee has issued a special report on further promoting sculpture work in Lingang City and a work reminder on the conference on researching sculpture and square transformation around the lake. The overall urban art facility layout and refined management of the core area and key development areas of Dishui Lake have been implemented to enhance the artistic temperament of Lingang New Area. A high-quality development action plan for urban public art in Lingang New Area has been launched to plan for the layout of urban public art spaces, the layout of public art projects, the selection and planning of creative themes, action implementation plans and management mechanisms in Lingang New Area. Promote the high-quality development of the Lingang New Area, create a high-quality life, and achieve efficient governance. Please refer t 合同履約期限:合同簽訂之日起至2025年4月 The Contract Period:?From the date of contract signing to April 2025 本項目(否)接受聯合體投標。 Joint Bids: (NO)Available. 二、申請人的資格要求 2. Qualification Requirements for Suppliers (a)滿足《中華人民共和國政府采購法》第二十二條規定; (a)Meet the provisions of Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China"; (b)落實政府采購政策需滿足的資格要求:本項目落實相關政府采購政策 (b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies:?This project implements relevant government procurement policies (c)本項目的特定資格要求:(1)供應商具備獨立承擔民事責任能力;(2)供應商在近三年內無行賄犯罪記錄,未被政府采購監督管理部門禁止參加政府采購活動,同時未被列入 “****網站中失信被執行人、重大稅收違法案件當事人名單和“中****網”(********)政府采購嚴重違法失信行為記錄名單的供應商(以報價截止之日前三年內的信用記錄為準);(3)法定代表人為同一個人的兩個及兩個以****公司****公司****公司,都不得同時參加本項目。(一經證實,取消所有涉及單位的投標資格);(4)本項目不允許聯合體投標。(5)本項目專門面向中小企業(6)城鄉規劃編制乙級及以上。 (c)Specific qualification requirements for this program:?(i) Complies with Article 22 of the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China(ii) Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, parties involved in major tax violations, or records of serious illegal and dishonest behavior in government procurement by "Credit China" (******** ********) or China Government Procurement Network (******** ********)(1) Suppliers have the ability to independently assume civil liability; (2) Suppliers who have no history of bribery crimes in the past three years, have not been prohibited from participating in government procurement activities by government procurement supervision and management departments, and have not been included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, major tax violations, or serious government procurement dishonest behavior records on the "Credit China" website (******** ********) and the "China Government Procurement Network" (******** ********) (based on their cre (i)符合《中華人民共和國政府采購法》第二十二條的規定; (i)Comply with the provisions of Article 22 of the"Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China"; (ii)未被“信用中國”、中****網(********)列入失信被執行人、重大稅收違法案件當事人名單、政府采購嚴重違法失信行為記錄名單; (ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" , China Government Procurement Network (********)?;
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